We have added a new document to the available choices for download for CMAs. The document, located in the RE/MAX Marketing Materials section on the download screen, is called 2014 Real Trends 500 and demonstrates statistically that "RE/MAX Agents Average Twice the Home Sales."
CMA Download Screen Re-Design
(New download screen allows you to order your CMA however you want)
In the left hand column, a list of all available choices, simply check off the documents you want to include in your CMA. As you do so, they will appear in the right hand column, which represents your CMA. All of the CMA documents you are used to are available in the new CMA download, and you can still include any of your custom PDF documents as well.
Once you have made your selections, and all are in the right hand column, drag and drop the documents to re-order them as you wish. When you are finished, click the green "Download" button in the upper right to begin the download process.

Check out these valuable infographics by SumAll which illustrate the best times to post on various social media platforms, as well as when not to. Social media represented include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.
Here is the full story:
Our enhanced CMA software now auto-calculates the local Market Trends and generates a Property Valuation Report.
Sample Reports:
The Market Trends Report uses arrows to indicate the direction of the data and the color of the arrows indicate the direction of the trend: Green indicates a Positive Trend, Red indicates a Negative Trend and Black indicates the Trend is Unchanged.
How to Set Up the New Reports:
The new reports are accessed from the CMA Editor screen for each of your CMAs.
How To Setup A Market Trends Report:
1. Click Edit > "Market Trends" button on the CMA Editor page to view the Market Trends Report Settings page.
2. Select two comparative periods. The default setting compares the most recent 3 month to the same year earlier period.
3. Select your market area which can be: 1 county or 10 towns or 20 areas of towns.
4. After you have selected your market area, click the "Save Changes and Update Reports" button.
5. When the Market Trends Report has been generated, click the "View Report" button.
How To Setup A Property Valuation Report:
1. Click Edit > "Property Valuation" button on the CMA Editor page to view the Property Valuation Report Settings page.
2. Fill in the Property Valuation settings page. The settings default to using the most recent 3 months of data, but you are able to customize this.
3. Click the "Save Changes and Update Reports" button. When it finishes processing, click the "View Report" button.
How To Include These New Reports In A CMA
Both the Market Trends Report and Property Valuation Report can be included in your downloaded CMA.
1. Click the "Download CMA and Selected Marketing Materials" button on the CMA Editor page
2. Select the Market Trends and Property Valuation selection boxes
3. Click the "Click here to build your CMA" button at the bottom of the Download CMA page
A Prospecting Metaphor from the Animal Kingdom
The KCM Blog recently posted a very interesting metaphor on prospecting from, get this, the animal kingdom. Well, sort of the animal kingdom. It wasn't exactly the Sahara desert, but rather a group of ducks in search of table scraps at a hotel restaurant in California.
KCM's Steve Harney observed all of the ducks acting the same way, fighting over food after diners finished eating and left a table, except for one duck. That one duck had a more effective plan in mind.
Taking a page out of the playbook of many dogs across the world, this duck approached would be diners as soon as their food was brought out to them, requested some morsels, and was rewarded with a perfect success rate, getting food from each table that was approached.
KCM equates this enterprising duck with a real estate agent who decides to make things happen rather than waiting for things to happen.
Check out the full tale and advice for real estate agents at KCM Blog: